Include Files

The include files that are provided with the C51 standard library are found in the \FSI\INC  subdirectory. These files contain constant and macro definitions, type definitions, and function prototypes. The following sections describe the use and contents of each include file. Macros and functions included in the file are listed as well.

8051 Special Function Register Include Files

The C51 library provides you with a number of include files that define manifest constants for the special function registers found on many 8051 derivatives. Include files are being added and modifies continuously check the contents of you \FSI\INC directory for the include file for you processor.  The naming convention for the processor include files is:

If your include file does not exist, you should use the REG51.H and modify it for your specific processor.


The 80C517.H  include file contains routines that use the enhanced operational features of the 80C517 CPU and its derivatives. These routines are:
acos517 asin517 atan517
atof517 cos517 exp517
log10517 log517 printf517
scanf517 sin517 sprintf517
sqrt517 sscanf517 tan517


The ABSACC.H  include file contains definitions for macros that allow you to directly access the different memory areas of the 8051.


The CTYPE.H  include file contains definitions and prototypes for routines which classify ASCII characters and routines which perform character conversions. The following is a list of these routines:
isalnum isalpha iscntrl
isdigit isgraph islower
isprint ispunct isspace
isupper isxdigit toint
tolower toupper _tolower
_toupper toascii


The INTRINS.H  include file contains prototypes for routines that instruct the compiler to generate in-line intrinsic code.
_crol_ _cror_ _irol_
_iror_ _lrol_ _lror_
_nop_ _testbit_


The MATH.H  include file contains prototypes and definitions for all routines that perform floating-point math calculations. Other math functions are also included in this file. All of the math function routines are listed below:
abs acos asin
atan atan2 cabs
ceil cos cosh
exp fabs floor
fprestore fpsave labs
log log10 modf
pow sin sinh
sqrt tan tanh


The SETJMP.H  include file defines the jmp_buf type and prototypes the setjmp and longjmp routines which use it.


The STDARG.H include file defines macros that allow you to access arguments in functions with variable-length argument lists. The macros include:
va_arg va_end va_start

In addition, the va_list type is defined in this file.


The STDIO.H  include file contains prototypes and definitions for stream I/O routines. They are:
getchar gets printf
putchar puts scanf
sprintf sscanf ungetchar

The STDIO.H  include file also defines the EOF manifest constant.


The STDLIB.H  include file contains prototypes and definitions for the type conversion and memory allocation routines listed below:
atof atoi atol
calloc free init_mempool
malloc rand realloc

The STDLIB.H  include file also defines the NULL manifest constant.


The STRING.H include file contains prototypes for the following string and buffer manipulation routines:
memccpy memchr memcmp
memcpy memmove memset
strcat strchr strcmp
strcpy strcspn strlen
strncat strncmp strncpy
strpbrk strpos strrchr
strrpbrk strrpos strspn

The STRING.H  include file also defines the NULL manifest constant.